
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Fingerprinting (again)

Hello readers, yes this is my second blog today but this time it's about Science and fingerprinting again. Anyways today we are seeing how people normally find fingerprints. So here is how we did it.

Aim: To learn how to lift hidden fingerprints from an object. 

1. Lifting and gathering fingerprints. 


1. Makeup brush. 

2. Coco powder.

3. Black paper. 

4. White powder.  


We got a makeup brush and coco powder, and then we diped the makeup brush into the coco powder. Then we wiped down the table with the makeup brush and it's supposed to show the fingerprints on the table but it didn't work for us. After we got a black piece of paper then diped our finger in white powder. After we put our fingerprint on the paper! AND IT SHOWED OUR FINGERPRINT. 

Anyways, bye readers! I hope you have a good day and be nice to others. If you had the equipment would you try this? Comment if you would. Bye readers and i'll see you next week. Probably on friday or thursday. BYEEE 

Sticktastic (THIS WAS INSANE)

 Hello readers, yesterday we sold some stickers and today i'm telling you about my experience on it! The reason we were selling stuff was to get money for the school trip to Jelly Park and for house points. Here is my experience on slling it. 

For a few weeks we had to brainstorm what our buisness idea was going to be. In my group I had, Freya and Liyahn and "we" decided to do stickers for our buisness. The first few days we thought about the items we needed and planed how we were going to make them. After that we checked how much money it was gonna be and then we strated making posters. Two posters were for people to see what stickers we were selling and how much it was and the big poster was the logo! After we finally finished the posters we finally made the stickers! The stickers was an easy process and simple to make!

Here is what the stickers looked like:

I would say we weren't that succesfull because all the customers we got were just friends or people we knew. We did make alot of profit and sold alot of stickers. We ran out of demon slayer stickers quickly and not much people bought the pokemon. 

Thank you guys so much for reading my blog and sticking with me for so long, if you have. Once again I hope you guys have an amazing day, and be nice to others. Would you buy our stickers if you had money? Comment if you would! Bye readers!  

Tuesday, 30 November 2021


HELLO PEOPLE! Today in science class we saw what our fingerprints look like! Here are some facts before I show you mine. 

The three types of fingerprints are: 

Loops, Arche and Whirl.

Loops are the most common type of fingerprints, whirls are the second popular type of fingerprints and Arche are the least common type of fingerprints.    

65% Of the population have loops.

35% Of the population have whirls.

5% Of the population have arches. 


1. Turn a piece of paper into four. 

2. Dip your thumb into ink.

3. Inprint your fingerprint onto the paper. 

4. See with a microscope.

5. See what you are. 

Okay here is the big reveal of what I AM! Not gonna lie but I think i'm gonna be loop, I HAVE'NT SEEN YET! Okay, I was loop. BORING. 

I hope you guys have an amazing day and make everyone elses day to! Comment what type you have! BYE READERS!

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Taking Care Of Yourself

 Hello my beautiful people! Today in health class we are learning how to take care of yourself. You should be talking care of yourself already, but this is how you do it "Properly"! Either way always take care of yourself!

Here are some information about taking care of yourself! 


1. Doing Physical Activitys lowercreases a chance of you getting heart problems. 

2. Pysical Activitys are better for people that have diabetes. 

3. If you excersice regually, your hearts gets bigger and stronger. 

Ways I participate in Physical Activity: 

1. I walk the dogs around the block, almost everyday. 

2. I play outside, with my dogs or maybe a ball for about 20 minutes, sometimes.

3. Sport every friday at school. (Unless im sick)

If you don't like sports, the best thing to do instead is to go for weekly runs or walks. Plus, if you have a dog you could walk them which helps their health aswell. Sports isn't everyones thing.  

Bye my beautiful people! I hope you take care of yourself properly and get the attention you deserve. LOVE YOU BYEE!

Friday, 19 November 2021

Baking Sodas

Hello readers, today we had Science. In Science we are making sherbet and of course we have to know how to do it before making it. Here is what we had to know!

Baking Soda is also known as Sodium Bicarbonate.Due to its abrasive and cleaning properties it is used as a raising agent in baking, as a household cleaner and in a number of other ways.

My 10 uses of Baking Soda is: 

Making Sherbet:

We need to write down our equipment and the step we will go through to make our sherbet. 

Once we have completed the materials and steps we can make sherbets. 

While you are eating your sherbet you can answer five questions at the end. 


1. Sugar

2. Baking Soda

3. Raro Crystals

4. Critic Acid

5. Tartartic acid


1. Add baking soda, sugar and citric acid together in a bowl. 

2. Add the raro crystals and tarticic acid. 

3. Add all ingrediants together and place the plastic bag. 

4. Mix it well together and eait it, Yum.


1 teaspoon of powedered drink crystals. 

1/4 teaspoon of critic acid.

1 teaspoon of icing sugar. 

1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda. 


1 Which two ingrediants in the sherbet are involved in the chemical reation? 

2. Which ingrediants are not involved?

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you have an amazing day and maybe you could try and compliment 3 people today! BYE PEOPLE!

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Sticktastic (Buisness)

 Hello my Beautie Sticks, in wga we are doing a buisness! For the buisness you have to be in a group of 4 and if you're lucky then maybe a group of 3. I'm groups with Freya, Liyahn and Risha. I am the production person, it basically means that I make the adverts and posters. Liyahn is the money person, she just looks after the money, Freya is the ceo (The big Boss) And finally Risha is the other person, I forgot the name, she just makes everything right. 

In our buisness we are making stickers, it's called StickTastic. We sell like anime stickers and other ones. Our other idea was to sell christmas jars and stress balls, but it would be way to much money.

Here is our buisness Idea.

Bye my beautie Sticks, I will miss you guys so so much. I hope you guys will have a beautie day! BYE MY BEAUTIE STICKS!


Friday, 29 October 2021


Hello my beautiful people, today in science we are doing experiments on chillie. Chillie is very spicy just in case you didn't know. Here is what we are doing and how to do it. 


1. Hot chillie sauce. 

2. Popsicle stick. 

3. Soda water and milk. 

4. Timer. 


1. Get your equipment ready. 

2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your popsicle stick.  

3. Lick the Hot Chillie sauce. 

4. Start the timer. 

5. After 2mins, drink your hot sauce. 

6. After 5mins, hot hot is your mouth?

7. Repeat with a different drink. 


DrinkEffect out of 10

Thank you guys so much for reading my blog. I hope you all have an amazing day and of course be nice to me just me. BYE READERS!